A lawsuit against a transport company

After having suffered a traffic accident in which the culprit was a truck transporting goods, and that belongs to a trucking company, many questions can arise about how you can recover the compensation you deserve. In addition, it will be essential to determine who should take the blame: the driver or the company directly. It all depends on how the organization is run and how its workers are classified.

If the truck driver was classified as an independent contractor and it was negligence on his part, the driver himself will be sued, and the trucking company cannot be involved. On the other hand, if the company hired the driver as an employee, the lawsuit may be directed towards the organization, which must take responsibility for its employees. In the same way, if the problem was in a failure of the truck of the transport company, they can be sued directly.

However, this is not all. At the time of the lawsuit, more parties may arise or be involved that could be responsible for paying your compensation, such as the company that transported the products. So a claim after a truck accident can be quite complex.

Subsequently, if it has been determined that, indeed, the trucking company was at fault, sufficient evidence must also be gathered to prove the fault of the company and show that you were not partially at fault in the accident.

Finally, having proved through various documents and evidence who committed the negligent act that caused the accident and the injuries, the defendant and declared responsible party must pay for all the bills that have resulted from this: medical, lost wages, emotional damages, among others that may have arisen.

As you can see, proving someone’s fault in a car accident like this can be quite tricky. Our attorneys at Guerra & Casillas are ready to fight for your compensation.